If you've had a diabetic foot ulcer before, you know how tough they are to treat. After weeks of wearing a shoe insert, applying antibiotic cream, and checking in with your doctor, the ulcer finally heals and you can breathe a sigh of relief. But along with that sigh of relief, you should also be making some plans to prevent future diabetic foot ulcers from forming so you don't have to go through this again.
Do you experience ankle pain all the time? Has it been hard for you to walk or participate in activities because of the pain? When you live with chronic ankle pain, simply doing some walking can turn into a nightmare. If you do not want to feel this way for the rest of your life, discuss total ankle replacement surgery with your podiatrist. Getting the surgery could positively change your life by eliminating a lot of your pain.
A bunionectomy treatment is the removal of your bunions, which are painful bumps on the sides of your big toes or another toes. While the surgery itself sounds painful, living with a bunion is often more painful than the surgery. If you need any convincing to follow through with a bunionectomy, here are the benefits of such a surgery. You Will Walk Freely Again People with bunions are often in so much pain that they hobble more than they walk.
Having stinky feet can be embarrassing. Taking off your shoes at someone else's house, or changing out of your shoes at home and smelling those stinky feet through socks can cause you discomfort. Your feet may even smell after you take a shower. If you struggle with smelly feet, there are things you can do to help. Read on for tips to help get rid of stinky feet. Wear Breathable Socks
Sometimes, when you have a problem with your foot, you look up ways to treat the problem at home. Home treatments are great for some injuries. For example, a sprain can be treated at home with a compression bandage and some ice packs to reduce inflammation. However, sometimes, home treatments are ineffective; or worse, they are downright dangerous. For problems like warts, blisters and calluses, ingrown toenails, cracked heels, and toenail infections, don't be tempted to try self-surgery.
When you have an ingrown toenail, it can be tempting to take care of the problem on your own. Armed with a set of tweezers and some nail clippers, you might be ready to get in there and take care of business. Unfortunately, a few missteps could lead to a serious infection. I have made this mistake myself, and it almost cost me my toe. I hope that as you evaluate your own foot problems that you will remember how valuable a podiatrist can be. Your foot doctor can inspect your problem and recommend the proper course of action. Read through my website to learn more.